Bella Newman: On Creativity



What does creativity mean to you?


Creativity is a way in which I am able to be me in my purest form. Whether I'm cooking, dancing, singing, or writing, I feel authenticity filling me up and giving me energy. I think that we get held back by expectations which hinder our creativity and stop us from expressing ourselves.

As a kid when I would bake something for my family, and I didn’t care how it would turn out because it was the joy of my efforts that made everyone happy, including myself. When we want to please those around us, we create false expectations for ourselves and start to lose touch with our power to stay genuine. That’s why for me, creativity is my outlet to feel the realness of the present moment and just be with myself.

For me, creativity is such a personal practice that requires no judgment and has no time restraints; it is complete freedom.  



So many creatives are pivoting and finding ways to adjust their creative process during the quarantine.

How have you been channeling your creativity during this time?


I’ve realized how important it is for me to have a piano/ keyboard for my music and obviously a kitchen for cooking. Without them, so much of my creativity gets pent up inside of me and I’ve noticed how much that brings me down. Knowing that I have an instrument to just sit at even if nothing good comes from the session, brings me comfort.

I’ve also discovered how even with all the time in the world, creativity doesn’t just come out easily when you want it to. I thought because I had all this new time on my hands, all I would want to do is work on my ideas but instead, I found that boredom can overtake inspiration.

That’s why having a creative process or habits in which you can depend on to motivate you is so helpful. For me, that varies from listening to music, writing, or spending time researching recipes that inspire me. 



What unexpected turns did your life take to lead you to become who you are today?


Deciding not to attend the college I was accepted into to model instead was the first unexpected turn my life took. Secondly, when I started culinary school, that turn definitely shaped me and has given me a feeling of purpose. I was 18 when I started living on my own and modeling. I learned so much about myself by having to make hard decisions, being extremely independent, feeling lost, being daring, having adversities, and meeting so many different types of people. I was exposed to the scary yet exciting world and there’s no way I would be who I am without this journey.

And although I enjoyed modeling, I found a course at a well known culinary institution in NYC that focused on vegan and vegetarian cooking, (perfect for me as a vegan!). They also had a part-time program that would allow me to keep working, so I saw the opportunity as a blessing.

I had learned through modeling that it is so important to be open to receiving opportunities that enhance the quality of your life, shaping and forming how we view the world and our part within it.



What do you think is something that most creative people in the world have in common?


I think most creative people commonly have the desire to share their love and passions by expressing something that speaks to their own truth. Creativity brings people together because the many forms in which creativity can be expressed is felt and understood by so many people. 


Why do you think people get stuck on problems?


I think people get stuck on problems because they label everything either good or bad. This adds a false sense of reality that we have full control of everything at all times. I’ve learned that when I'm trying to categorize or box things with those labels, it adds a lot of pressure to either uphold the good or run away from the bad instead of allowing the moment to just be.

Problems become overwhelming and therefore stick around in our lives because we identify with them so strongly and typically in a negative way. They become a part of who we are instead of just acknowledging the situation and persevering. I believe that a problem is only a problem if you allow it to be and that with patience we actually grow in positive ways from most of our experiences. 


What advice would you offer those struggling with creative blocks?


I know for me at the beginning of the quarantine I felt a lack of motivation to be creative. But then I realized that I had the power to change my mindset, to surrender. I wanted to feel and express whatever was real to me and focus on my own ideas instead of being so fully consumed by the constant chaos surrounding me.

Doing what feels right for yourself, whether difficult or easy, time-consuming, or brief gives you the inspiration that eradicates creative blocks.

Creativity is supposed to be freeing and therefore you have to create the space within yourself to be free by erasing judgment and expectations. 


About Bella Newman:

Bella is a model and vegan chef in New York City who has always loved to participate in the performing arts. Bella grew up in Singapore training as a dancer since the age of 5 as well as taking up piano, singing, and the occasional acting opportunities. She then moved to New York City in high school to further her dance career, specializing in flamenco.

After graduating from high school, Bella went on to model in major cities like NYC, London, Paris, and Milan. In 2019 Bella decided to attend a part-time culinary school to develop her skills in vegan cooking. Throughout her life, something that has never wavered is her love for cooking, specifically baking, which along with music, has always been one of her main forms of expression and creativity. 

Connect with Bella over Instagram.